Julia Desiree Merican
is a writer, editor, and researcher
Julia Merican is a writer from Kuala Lumpur, a recent graduate from the Royal College of Art, and an archivist of small scraps of human experience. Her words have appeared in various print and digital publications, and once (quite excitingly) on an unfurling scroll in a gallery.Currently, Julia works as a researcher in London and is finding writing in the third person quite a lot of fun. She thinks often about liminal or ruined spaces, the ancillary prettiness of an em dash, how heritage is made and broken, and the art of living so gently you barely make a sound.
Get in touch at:[email protected]
tea and frequency / proximity / only lemons / minding the gaps: a sonic essay / the olive branch & the poetics of reconciliation / an interview with amina cain / playing the fool / protecting the flame
allom! amatai! allom! / signs of the times / gallery in a state of undress / diasporic dysphoria
gift exchange / the directness of apples / dressing up for noodles / a silent dwelling / "let the land be" / monitoring the belt and road initiative
cosmopolitan reveries / turmoil within and without / a conversational art with larissa pham / how i settle myself / the gendered politics of 'mustang' / at the core of it
the cerebral and the sensual / meta morphosis / unlucky / 'hidden lines' exhibition text / being foreign, abroad and at home
'fragmented bodies' wall text / the allure of the italian summer / hungry ghosts
obscuras / the DODO issue #5 / the DODO issue #4 / the DODO issue #3
SEARCH vol. 2: kitsch / the DODO issue #2 / the DODO issue #1
ORB autumn issue / ORB spring issue / cereal vol. 21
cereal vol. 20 / from the lighthouse issue #1